Manuel Castillo-Cara - About Me

📚 Mis cursos en Udemy

Soy un apasionado de la Inteligencia Artificial y la Ciencia de Datos, con un enfoque práctico en la formación de nuevas generaciones. He desarrollado varios cursos en español, disponibles en Udemy, donde puedes acceder a contenido especializado con un cupón de descuento en la sección Udemy.

🎉 New Free Course on Udemy! 🎉

We’ve just launched a 100% free course on Udemy about using TINTOlib and developing Hybrid Neural Networks.
Learn how to turn tabular data into synthetic images and apply CNNs, ViTs, and hybrid architectures like a pro.

👉 Access the Course on Udemy

👨‍🎓 Biography

I am Manuel Castillo-Cara, PhD in Computer Science, specialized in Artificial Intelligence, from the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), where I received the Cum Laude distinction in 2018.

2014 - 2020Professor/Researcher in Peru- Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI)
- Universidad de Lima (ULima)
2021 - 2023Postdoctoral ContractUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) - European Program: María Zambrano.
Since 2023Professor/ResearcherUniversidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

🔬 Research and Projects

Throughout my career, I have participated in more than 15 research projects, leading 2 of them as Principal Investigator.

I highlight my participation in a social development project in Peru, where we contributed to education in educational robotics and Scratch programming for more than 2000 children aged 8 to 15 in vulnerable areas.

Research Interests

  • Artificial Intelligence and computational architectures (Fog Computing)
  • Data science, pattern recognition, and computer vision.
  • Development of Hybrid Neural Networks with synthetic images using the Python library TINTOlib.
  • Implementation of the TINTO method, an innovative conversion of tabular data into synthetic images, available on GitHub.

🗣️ I have delivered multiple seminars on AI and TINTOlib in Spain and America.

📊 Scientific Production

Publications and Conferences

  • 23 articles in indexed impact journals.
  • 8 international conferences.
  • 2 IEEE robotics competitions, achieving 3rd place.
  • 1 utility model patent.
  • 2 software registrations.
  • 1 academic book.
  • 2 book chapters.

Impact in the Scientific Community

WOS (JCR)1809108
Scopus (SJR)32015810
Google Scholar500--11